3 Clicks Cloud features

Transparency from start to finish

Simplify your production with intuitive software. Visually see the workflow of your product orders and insightfully designed reports.

Mobility on all devices

Work anywhere with 3 Clicks Cloud web based software applications. We are wherever you need to be in this connected world. Live production data, reports and more, analytics, all at your fingertips.

Powerful real-time data reporting

Fashion is your business and managing milestones seamlessly is essential. Real-time production management throughout the entire supply-chain process offers insights and transparency throughout the journey from concept to delivery.

Define processes that you can rely on

3 Clicks Cloud links all stages of the production process, that is built to meet the needs of the evolving fashion industry. Our software is set up with a step-by-step approach, and with efficient processes in place, your team will run smoothly. By having full visibility of each stage of the process, milestones are tracked, pre-empting issues before they arise, allowing time for better decision making, enabling your team to be more productive.

3 Clicks Cloud is here to assist our clients in managing all their PLM requirements and is always staying on top of all the latest trends, including Sustainability.

We are continuously adding features and functions to our software, including integrations and plugins with other platforms, for example the Adobe® Illustrator plugin that allows the design team to seamlessly access and edit files in 3 Clicks directly from Illustrator, and a Customer Portal, allowing your team to easily share file, style, and order information.

Take the next step and get ready to use software that will allow your business to work as one within the production team and with their suppliers. Empower your team. Let us help you get started.